
Our Services

Direcitonal Drilling Services Alberta

Directional Drilling

Directional drilling allows for the precise placement of irrigation and utility lines without having to tear up yards, roads and sidewalks. Let Syn-core help on your next excavation project!

Hydrovac Vac Truck in Central Alberta

Hydrovac Services

Syn-core Directional offers vacuum excavation, daylighting, utility digging, cold weather digging and much more using our state-of-the-art hydrovac excavation trucks. Let’s talk!

Pipe Ramming Project Syn-Core Directional

Pipe Ramming

Standard directional drilling won’t cut it? Pipe Ramming (or air hammering) is the solution. Our state-of-the-art equipment can work through heavy cobble, and will go where others don’t!

Horizontal Auger Alberta

Horizontal Augering

Syn-core Directional has two decades of horizontal augering experience on projects across Western Canada. Let us help with placing culverts, rural water lines and more.

Field Drainage Equipment

Field Drainage Services

Reclaim your flooded land with our advanced field drainage techniques. Syn-core Directional has extensive experience to help with your field reclamation!

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